Friday, January 16, 2009

The people at the Campbell Well

At Campbell’s well, I was really super sick. Motion sick. So the thought of standing in the hot sun, hiking, and really getting out of shade made me even more sick. So while the celebration went on I was sitting on the top of the car with dad, and drinking Pepsi. The Pepsi was a surprise! Eventually everyone went to see the well. We were still sitting in the car, so all the kids surrounded our car and tried to open the windows. Then Dad started reading something aloud. I looked over. It was a note from someone who was standing near the car looking at us anxiously, waiting for us to finish. The note said about this: I want to talk to you but I am to shy because my English is not very good. It also said his name, I think he was 21, but I’m not sure. So when dad finished the note, well we couldn’t just ignore him. So we said hello. And we chatted. And chatted, and chatted, and chatted. Eventually we learned to talk a little Amharic. A little. By the time we were done we had about 60 people watching us curiously but also chanting with us. So I think I have a video. I’m sure I do. They were laughing and pushing each other into the back of the truck.

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